BHARATA NANDINI-- A Humble tribute to the motherland

Dear All, Presenting my new endeavor - BHARATA NANDINI, organised jointly with YMCA Trivandrum on 2nd May 3pm at YMCA Hall. Please consider this as my personal invitation, do grace the occasion with your presence and continue to support and bless me. Bharata Nandini is a creative presentation of famed Patriotic songs, carried close to heart, emotionally, by us, Indians. It evokes a sense of pride, oneness and elevates the love and affection towards our mother land along with patriotism. The presentation includes patriotic songs in more than 6 languages, rendered by 15 of my disciples, from the 4 states of South India. Here we – her children (Bharata Nandini) are to sing, admiring her unique features! Jai Hind