The Week That Was...
Finally i get a gap of 4 days without much commitments. And say what... it feels good. The past week has re-kindled a lot of thoughts. New projects, new ambitions....
To start with, I had a very prestigious concert to render at a venue where is used to run around when the stalwarts used to perform, Swati Tirunal Sangeetha Sabha, Trivandrum. I felt honoured and humbled to be at that stage once again. Not that I was performing there for the first time, but you get an inimitable 'high' every single time that huge curtain opens..!!!
That rounded off my performances for the month of April, and the last week is occupied by a couple of recording sessions and other functions. Now that I am relatively out of concert commitments atleast for the next one week, it provides me with an opportunity to fine tune my skills, learn new compositions and widen my repertoire.
Kicked off that process by listening to DKJ rendering 'Thaye Thripura Sundari', a compostion of Periyasami Thooran in Sudhasaveri. Just a delight. The tempo, the grace and the clarity... just unparalleled. I was thunderstruck with the way the chittaswaram unfolds and gets merged with the pallavi.
The distance to cover seems to be huge, and the time left ... too little.
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