4:50 pm - 01 May 2010…. I was behind that glossy red curtain, which had been a veil between the stalwarts and the thronging rasikas of Trivandrum, who held their breath to see and listen to the scintillating performers who captured their imaginations for decades. It was not the first time I was behind that curtain... I was there innumerable times with my father, as a quirky little girl, attempting to catch a glimpse of those impeccable artists after their concerts. I was there when Semmangudi signed the first autograph in my brand new sign book. I was there after the concert in which Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan asked for a glass of water through his violin. I was there, with my mom, to draw the “Kolam” for several Anjaneyotsavams. But this time, it was a bit different. In another ten minutes, that same curtain would unveil, and I was about to give my first concert at one of the grandest stages of all, Sree Swati Tirunal Sangeetha Sabha, my second home..! The m...